mixin radio(id, checked) input(type="radio" id="ra_#{id}" name="ra" checked=checked) mixin checkbox(id, checked) input(type="checkbox" id="ch_#{id}" checked=checked) mixin door(id, vertical) label.door(for="ra_#{id}" class=vertical?'vertical':'horizontal') mixin room(name) .room(class=name data-room=name) if block block +checkbox('play') +checkbox('bed') +checkbox('stove') +checkbox('sink') +checkbox('table') +checkbox('fireplace') +radio(1,true) +radio(2) +radio(3) +radio(4) button.control.up(accesskey="w") button.control.left(accesskey="a") button.control.down(accesskey="s") button.control.right(accesskey="d") label.info(for="ch_play") i +room("bedroom") +door(1) .carpet .carpet._2 .carpet._3 .carpet._4 .deko2 .deko2._2 .plant .plant._2 label.bed(for="ch_bed") +room("livingroom") +door(2) +door(3, true) .carpet .plant .plant._2 .basket label.fireplace(for="ch_fireplace") .deko1 .deko2 .girl(data-speak="Hi Edgar, how are you doing?" tabindex="0") +room("kitchen") +door(4, true) label.stove(for="ch_stove") label.sink(for="ch_sink") label.table(for="ch_table") .plant .character( data-fireplace="The fire is nice and warm" data-sink="I don't want to do the dishes now" data-stove="I'm not hungy right now" data-table="This is a table" data-bed="Zzzzzzzzzz" ) .explain h1.title Edgars Lair span a pure CSS RPG by a(href="https://twitter.com/GregorAdams" target="blank") @GregorAdams .modal .key ctrl | + .key alt | + .key W | or .key A | or .key S | or .key D | then .key space |  or click buttons to walk br | Click on wall-gaps to change the room. br | Click on objects to interact. br label.button(for="ch_play") play audio(controls loop autoplay) source(src="http://pixelass.com/rpg_sound_3.mp3") source(src="http://pixelass.com/rpg_sound_3.ogg")