

武汉 PRO 求职中

Pure CSS Tablet in 1 Element

Making a tablet screen in only 1 element. It could also be a TV probably. Used a sprite with CSS Animation to showcase some of my pens :)

Breakpoint Sass Demo - Even better inline media queries

Had to include all of the breakpoint code unless someone else knows a better way to include a library like this? Skip down to line 1204 to see how to use Breakpoint. A full write up of this awesome method of inline media queries can be found here: http://webdevstudios.com/2015/01/20/better-media-queries-breakpoint-sass/ And Breakpoint can be found here: https://github.com/at-import/breakpoint

Text Mask Party Time

A little pen so I remember this great bit of code!

Split Showcase

Photo showcase concept. Morphing image parts. Polygonal clip path animation. SASS each loop w/ maps. Pure CSS.


A page loader that split the page in two parts with two different colors. At the end, display the page content.

WebGL Particle demo with Three.js

Example for my meetup talk. Use GLSL to play with the particles with Three.js