
Animated Check Mark

Animated SVG checkmark

Perspective Grid 2

Futuristic animated perspective grid using CSS3.


Was using Google+ and noticed the header. I decided to give replicating it a shot. Nothing amazing but still a cool effect nonetheless.

SVG Morphing Quarters

I am a fan of SVG. [Bees and Bombs](http://beesandbombs.tumblr.com/) makes rad geometric gifs. So I recreated [this gif](http://beesandbombs.tumblr.com/post/101579804084/quarters) in SVG. The initial SVG code is one quartered circle that morphs into outward facing quarters with SMIL animations. That circle is then cloned, translated and appended in JavaScript, using the 'begin" attribute to offset animation in concentric diamonds. Thanks to [Dave Whyte (Bees and Bombs)](https://twit